About Editorial Team

Editorial Team at Geekinterview is a team of HR and Career Advice members led by Chandra Vennapoosa.

What is the Need for Cover Letter?

Anyone who submits a resume with his job application would need a cover letter as the first page that covers his resume. The job ad may have mentioned only the resume as a required submission, but it...

Using Library for Job Search

The library is regarded as the ultimate source of information. Virtually, everything you want to learn is possible in the library. Almost every city in the country have very impressive collection of ...

Static Query

Static Query is a stored, parameterized procedure. It is optimized for access to a particular data warehouse.  It can never be denied that the data warehouse is one of the biggest forms of data ...

Searching for Best Jobs

The jobs you’ll see posted online, in newspapers and in other media outlets can be considered as "common jobs." These are usually jobs expected to be needed by companies who advertise...

Job Hiring Process

Not every job interview you visit will result to a job offer. There is always a possibility that someone better for the position will forward their resume and cover letter. This situation is even mor...

Working in Leader-less Environment

Leader-less Environment is very common in start-up or small business companies: instead of a boss that handles a specific group, each member becomes the member and leader of a specific group. Du...

Announcement Letters

Today’s job search trend has placed great emphasis on networking. Although experience and education still counts, its still important to establish contacts to improve job search. It is only thr...

How to Set Right Your Career

After a grueling screening process, you finally get hired for the job.  The salary appear attractive and the position is just what you need to excel in your career. You will ...

Formal and Informal Job Networking

Networking has increasingly become important not only in gaining friends but also for job searches and even increasing your chances for being accepted. Because of increasing online connectivity, we a...

Massive Parallel Processing (MPP)

Massive Parallel Processing (MPP) is the “shared nothing” approach of parallel computing. It is a type of computing wherein the process is being done by many CPUs working in parallel to e...