About Editorial Team

Editorial Team at Geekinterview is a team of HR and Career Advice members led by Chandra Vennapoosa.

Resume Builders

There are many tools that you can use online that will aid you in your job search and eventually landing on your dream job. If you know how to use them, they will definitely work to your advantage si...

Industry Specific Job Search

Job search is always in an imperative if a person wants to be employed in a specific industry. Because of recession, individuals who have an impressive record still have to hunt for available vacanci...

Naming References

It is quite rare to find an individual who stood by his or her company from the first day of work to retirement. While this could be observed on some individuals especially those who are retiring, th...

Face to Face Networking

Aside from online networking, face to face networking is an increasingly popular practice for job search and business connections. Job seekers such as fresh graduates and terminated employees have op...

Time Management Tips

Time management is a very important skill for professionals. With time management, they will be able to deal with a certain task with ease and avoid crushing pressures. This skill will also lead to i...

New Job Process Mapping

Process mapping is a form of planning wherein a single roadmap for development is not enough. Through process mapping, managers should be able to create an intricate plan on how to achieve a goal by ...

Job Search Sources

There are many tools that you can use in getting the job that you want or at least work that you need right now. From networking to radio advertisements, these tools will help you get the job that yo...

Exploring Career Possibilities

Everyone knows that recession means lesser jobs and opportunities. As companies face challenges in keeping up with the demands of the customers without losing considerable funds, they are forced to t...

Annual Career Review

In your first year on the job, the most exciting (or horrifying) moment in your early career is the annual evaluation. Your boss will provide you with a detailed evaluation on what you have done for ...

Revisiting Cover Letters

A resume is seen as an important part of the application process. It’s a form of letter that shows your intent to be employed. In this letter, you show your employer who you are and what you ca...