Everyone now goes online to find their preferred job. Before you finish college you are already familiar with different job search sites and have even tried posting your resume just to see how they w...
Establishing a career is very challenging during recession. The competition is fierce since everyone seemed to be out of job nowadays. If you get to be hired, the industry you could be working for is...
The process of data distribution is not just a process of replicating data at more than one data site in order to develop and maintain an integrated data resource that ensures data are properly manag...
The word schema as defined in the dictionary means plan, diagram, scheme or an underlying organizational structure. Therefore, as can be very briefly said, an external schema is a plan on how to stru...
Dual data partitioning is common in most data distribution. By its very essence, a data partitioning process is a task which determines which data subjects, data occurrence groups and data characteri...
For fresh graduates, their college degree is the only major point in their resume. Although this could be seen as a major accomplishment on the side of the fresh graduate, it does not look well for r...
Searching for a job could be likened to selling. On this case, you are “selling” yourself to companies since you pitch your knowledge and experience to companies. If they agree to “...
A successful career starts with the right education. It is not just the right college but the right degree. You might be a graduate in one of the most prestigious universities in the country but if y...
Most companies are now considering the “brand” of their candidates. Companies wanted to look for someone who can fit in their work environment and could be productive most of the time. Th...
An entity structure chart is a visual representation of everything related to the entities related to the business rules, activities as well as the data model for the company in its database, data wa...