About Editorial Team

Editorial Team at Geekinterview is a team of HR and Career Advice members led by Chandra Vennapoosa.

How Play can Help Your Career

How Play can Help Your Career Everyone wants to improve in their career. Employees do everything that they can in order to land in a better position with a good pay. Unfortunately, the idea of Gǣdoin...

Your Hobby Can be Your Job

Your Hobby Could be Your Job Doing what you really love and getting paid for it is a dream career. Everyone have hobbies and they are always a passion in doing them as you spend time and considerable...

Stressed Out Co-Worker

A Stressed Out Co-Worker Could Affect You Stress happens in the office no matter what the situation is. An office or a company may be experiencing record setting profits and everyone is paid well but...

Body Control During the Interview

Body Control During the Interview Your posture will be greatly evaluated during the interview. You might have great ideas and delivered them perfectly in words but those words will be nothing if they...

Prevent Submitting Boring Cover Letters

Prevent Submitting Boring Letters Cover letters should never be ignored. A hiring manager might be very busy in entertaining different resumes but a cover letter will always be entertained by the hir...

Smart Strategies in Proofreading Resumes

Smart Strategies in Proofreading Resumes A single mistake in a resume will diminish your chances of getting hired. If you need to read and reread the resume for more than five times, do it. Being ser...