About Editorial Team

Editorial Team at Geekinterview is a team of HR and Career Advice members led by Chandra Vennapoosa.

Before you IM at Work

Before you IM at Work IM or instant messaging is one of the best things the internet has given us. Instead off talking to a person on the phone or leaving them voicemail, we can just drop a line to o...

Simple Text Resume

Simple Text Resume in the Email There are employers who, in order to keep their network secured from different types of email attacks, require their applicants to email their resume in pure text form...

What You Should Know About Salary Plateau

What You Should Know About Salary Plateau Salary plateau is a term used for employees who have reached the peak of their career. Because of their skills and experience, they have reached the point of...

Giving out Bad News at Work

Giving out Bad News at Work People are never perfect and so is their work. There will always be something wrong that we have done even though we have completely covered our tracks to ensure that ever...

Surviving Without a Degree

Surviving Without a Degree - People always dreamed of going into college because it increases their chances of getting hired for their dream job. Everyone in college study for four years or more just...