About Editorial Team

Editorial Team at Geekinterview is a team of HR and Career Advice members led by Chandra Vennapoosa.

Working with Older Coworkers

Fresh out of college, you immediately land a great job that offers you a wide variety of tools for development. They are also open for suggestions so you fire up that imaginative thinking of yours so...

Protecting Career from Right-Sizing

Right-sizing is a new term referring to the practice of a company retrenchment. It is closely related to the term downsizing - a term also used for massive layoffs. With right-sizing, the company may...

Bad Annual Performance Review

Annual performance review is common in small and large scale companies. This review serves as a reminder to different employees on how well do they fare in terms of helping the company advance. This ...

Job Hunting Tips for Freshers

The world of possibilities suddenly opens up for you as soon as you graduate from college. No more sleepless nights trying to figure out what to write in a term paper and no more peer pressure in doi...

Preparing for the Unexpected

Preparing for the Unexpected - We often see in the newspapers that more and more companies are rethinking of their position in their industry. What happens then is company reconstruction and massive ...

Web Designer Career

Web Designer Career - Advertising is all about visual appeal, at least in print media and the internet. These days internet advertising has become widely popular, and a company without a web presence...

Planning and Research Careers

Planning and Research Careers - Once an organization is established and all functions are defined, the organization needs to grow. Every organization grows when customers increase, however, they cann...

Advertising – Media Planning Careers

Advertising - Media Planning Careers - The media services department has various job responsibilities and career options available for people who are looking for a career in the advertising industry....

Internal Communications Manager Career

Communications is the key to the success of any business. Communication can be of any nature like business to business or within an organization, but the important thing is to have open communication...