About Editorial Team

Editorial Team at Geekinterview is a team of HR and Career Advice members led by Chandra Vennapoosa.

What is GSM

GSM, which stands for Global System for Mobile Communications (although originally Groupe Special Mobile), is a second generation (2G) Mobile Data Service for wireless telecommunications. Development...

What is Data Conversion

Data Conversion, as the name implies, deals with changes required to move or convert data from one physical environment format to that of another, like moving data from one electronic medium or datab...

What is Data Concurrency

Data Concurrency ensures that both official data source and replicated data values are consistent, that means whenever data values official data source is updated then the corresponding replicated da...

What is Data Denormalization

The data denormalization, although done by adding redundant data, is actually a process of optimizing a relational database's performance. This is often done with relational model database management...

What is Data Compression

Data Compression Data Compression is a method using which the storage space required for storing data is reduced with the help of mathematical techniques. Data compression is also referred to as sou...

Systems Design

Systems Design In previous chapter, we discussed system analysis and requirements stage in SDLC where everything was laid out on papers. SDLC makes sure that there is an actual need for the software...

What is Data Completeness

In any data resource, it is essential to meet requirements of current as well as future demand for information. Data completeness assures that the above criterion is fulfilled. Data completeness ref...

What is Centrino Technology

Centrino is a platform-marketing initiative developed by the company Intel. It is a label used for a set of technologies for the central processing unit (CPU), mainboard chipset and wireless network ...

What is Data Collection Frequency

What is Data Collection Frequency Data Collection Frequency, just as the name suggests refers to the time frequency at which data is collected at regular intervals. This often refers to whatever time...