A schema that represents the structure of business transactions used by clients in the real world. It is considered to be unnormalized data. The dictionary defines the word "schema" as a plan, diagra...
Business experts are people who thoroughly understand the business and the data supporting the business. They know the specific business rules and processes.
Business architecture is one of the four layers of an IT architecture. The other three layers are information, applications and technology. Business architecture describes the business processes uti...
Business drivers are the people, information, and tasks that support the fulfillment of a business objective. They lead the company trying to get it away from pitfalls and turn unforeseen mistakes i...
A Business-driven approach is any process of identifying the data needed to support business activities, acquiring or capturing those data, and maintaining them in the data resource.
Automatic Data Replication is the process wherein created data and metadata automatically replicates based in the request of the client at a specific data site. A data site could maintain many comput...
Automatic data partitioning is the process of breaking down large chunks of data and metadata at a specific data site into partitions according to the request specification of the client.