About Editorial Team

Editorial Team at Geekinterview is a team of HR and Career Advice members led by Chandra Vennapoosa.

Leaving the Job for Something Better

So many of us are in job situations where we don't know what we want to do, but at the same time, we know darn well it isn't what we are currently doing. Even if we have a big salary, our own office ...

Pursuing Artistic Career Dreams

Many people have a creative passion that they dream about using in a career: acting, writing, painting, sculpting, singing, dancing, or playing an instrument. Yet only a tiny percentage of them will ...


A great way to have a jumpstart on the adult workforce before getting your first job is to have an internship or two under your belt. Eighty-six percent of college graduates complete at least one int...

Leadership in the Workplace

One's leadership style is a trait often mentioned in the world of jobs. This might scare some people off, Since only a few people are born leaders, and most of us shy away from leadership roles. The ...

Career Assessment Basics

The three important things to take into consideration while deciding what you want to do for a career, are: your interests, abilities, and values. You donG

Need For Career Fulfillment at Midlife

When people work at a job for 20 or so years, it's easy to dismiss job unhappiness out of the simple fact that they're so used to the humaneness of it all. Further, they have other things to deal wit...

Succeeding at Job Fairs


Job fairs offer people in search of a job a convenient way to meet with multiple employers in the same day. However, job fairs have become not jus...

Transferable Skills

Being aware of what skills you bring to the table for a job is an important asset in career assessment. The list of skills you own, though, is probably much larger than you realize, mainly due to the...