Campus Interview Aspects

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The ultimate goal of any job interview, from the perspective of an employer, is to determine whether the candidate is qualified for the position or not. However, one thing that companies must bear in mind is that the interview process is not one sided aspect, as applicants will often interview the companies as well.

Campus interviews are distinct from traditional interviews due to the time and effort that is needed on the part of the applicants, the recruitment team, and the search staff.  In a campus interview, prospecting companies will be expected to do more than merely interview a group of applicants on a one-to-one basis. Instead, the company will also be expected to visit the campus, take care of the accommodations, seminars, meals, and other activities that are related to recruitment. The biggest difference between a standard job interview and a campus interview is that campus interviews require much more planning and time.

On the typical college campus, there may be hundreds or even thousands of students that make good potential employees for a firm. Due to this large volume of applicants, the recruitment process must be well organized and efficient to recruit the best prospects.

Planning a Campus Interview

A campus interview cannot be established until the Dean has given approval to the search staff for the recommendation of serious applicants. A recruitment document will be given to the Dean, and these documents will generally contain the names of the students who are the most qualified.

The search staff will generally contact the student first, and at this point the search staff and student will set up a date for the appointment. Depending on the college or university, this process is sometimes carried out by the department staff.

There are often expenses for the candidate that will need to be reimbursed, and these are the post travel expenses, the direct payment, and the payment for the data record. A form will need to be filled out for each of these three expenses, and candidates are expected to complete these forms before their arrival to the interview. The travel expenses form can be completed after they have made their trip.

Communicating with the Candidate

During a campus interview, it is very important for both candidates, companies, and educational institutions to make sure the process is organized. The best way to do this is to document all the information related to the interview, and this can be done in the form of letters or email which are provided to the candidate.

Typical items that should be included in these letters are dates and times, expectations for seminars, information related to transportation or hotels, reimbursement details, parking information, etc. Driving instructions may need to be included as well.

In order for campus interviews to function properly, it is critically important for both educational institutions and companies to work together seamlessly. Colleges and universities should send companies information packets which include information on the campus and college community. Other things that can be included in these information packets are general info on the campus, issues related to relocation and dual careers, family policies, and anything else that can be helpful to firms. Campus interviews cannot operate smoothly when companies and colleges do not have proper communication channels.


Because of the large number of students who may be involved in a campus interview, it is critical for companies and educational institutions to coordinate available transportation. Some forms of transportation that are typically used for campus interviews include rental cars, student host pick ups, airport shuttles, taxis, or limos. Of course, applicants who have their own vehicles may drive them as well. Transportation is connected to parking, and the issue of parking is not something that should be left up to chance.

Both companies and colleges must hold events at venues which can accommodate a sizable number of candidates. The general rule of thumb is that it is better to have too much space than to have too little space. Campus interviews are best held on week days during off tourist seasons.

Editorial Team at Geekinterview is a team of HR and Career Advice members led by Chandra Vennapoosa.

Editorial Team – who has written posts on Online Learning.