On-Campus Interview Tips

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On campus interviews are extremely beneficial for both companies and students. It is beneficial for companies because it gives them a chance to hire the smartest and most talented students to help their enterprises grow. It also gives them a chance to steal away the best students from their local competitors.

For students, it is beneficial because the companies recruit them while they are still in school, which means that they do not have to spend any time searching for work after graduation. However, the campus interview process is tense. In most cases, there may be hundreds of students competing, and one has to be able to stand out from the crowd in order to attract the interest of potential employers.

Many students make the mistake of believing that credentials are the primary things that count. A student may reason that he or she is guaranteed the best job because they have a 4.0 GPA. While having a high grade point average is important, companies are looking for more.

The world is changing, and many firms are placing a higher emphasis on creativity. Students who have lots of book smarts, but who are not creative are not as desirable as students who have book smarts, but who also have great deals of creativity. A creative person is someone who can solve problems. The interview is your chance to show companies that you are the best for the job.

The Myth of Eye Contact

When it comes to both on-campus and off-campus interview tips, one of the most persistent myths regarding job interviews is that you must make eye contact with the interviewer. While it is important to make some eye contact with the interviewer to build trust, experts on body language have shown that there are three basic types of gazes, and these are the social gaze, the business gaze, and the romantic gaze.

When people advise you to make eye contact with the interviewer during the interview, they are telling you to give them this gaze to build trust. However, a job interview is a business situation. Both you and the company are sizing each other up to determine whether or not you will make good partners.

This is what employment is, a partnership between an employee and the employer, where the employee agrees to perform a set of actions for a wage paid by the employer. This means the business gaze is the most appropriate.  Business gaze is the manner in which you look at someone during business meeting or negotiations.

How to Perform The Business Gaze

The difference between the business gaze and the social gaze is that with the business gaze, you "do not" look into or beneath the eyes of the interviewer. Instead, you look directly towards their forehead. During interview, when speaking to the interviewer, you will want your eyes to focus at the center of the forehead area of their face.  This type of gaze is the best for a on campus interview because it conveys a message to the interviewer that you mean business and you are serious about working for them

On-campus interview is not a social situation and there is no need to use a social gaze. Your wish is to work for a company that will give you a competitive salary with excellent benefits and long term growth opportunities. Their job is to hire an employee who is talented and who will help them increase both market share and their bottom line. This means that you must convey to them the message, through your body language, that you are serious, and your gaze is the best way to do this. Speak properly, clearly, and at the right tone.

Editorial Team at Geekinterview is a team of HR and Career Advice members led by Chandra Vennapoosa.

Editorial Team – who has written posts on Online Learning.