Leaving the Job for Something Better

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So many of us are in job situations where we don’t know what we want to do, but at the same time, we know darn well it isn’t what we are currently doing. Even if we have a big salary, our own office with a window, and high rank, there can be a big void in our hearts.

A lot of us might stick out a job out of mere loyalty or fear of change, but considering the average person spends 25% of their time at their job (or 1800 hours a year), there will be nothing but regret if you don’t start looking for something you’d be more interested in. Most companies don’t want someone unhappy to stick around anyway, because it will bring the whole team down. So, the following are ways to help you move on to something more fulfilling in a career.

It must be emphasized that career change is an important part of career assessment. Many people make the mistake of choosing a career for the wrong reason, and while they may be happy with their income at first, they’ll eventually become unsatisfied with their work. When you’re in a situation like this, it is important for you to change your career in the right way. Most importantly, you should assess your new career properly to make sure you find something you’re truly interested in.

Simplification of Material Items

Lots of times, we don’t want to leave a job because we’re fearful of possible financial repercussions. Well, such consequences can be lessened if you simplify your life material-wise. Too many people get attached to "big" gadgets, such as nice cars, big-screen TVs, or house refurnishing. And many of these people are working in jobs they hate just to pay for such things. This is backwards to how it should be. Our lives will naturally grow if we are in a career that we love, to where those material items won’t seem important anymore. Further, all the time you spend with these superficial objects can be spent looking for something new and enhancing your career life!

With that said, here is a list of ways to simplify your possessions:

– Get rid of your cable TV
– Buy a used car
– Move to a smaller home, perhaps even from a house to an apartment/condo
– Cook your own meals
– Have a garage sale, which will lessen your need for space, along with providing some income

Such changes aren’t wholesale; rather, they help you differentiate between "wants" and "needs a" without completely diminishing the "want" side. If you’re still worried that your new job will create financial hardships for you, consider the fact that an unpleasant job causes disruption in our outside lives which can lead to financial hardship. For instance, a stressful job hurts our relationships with family and friends, which can lead to anything from an expensive divorce to your spouse picking up an expensive habit to make up for your lack of quality family time. A job we hate also hurts both our mental and physical health, which can lead to expensive medical bills.

A Peaceful Resignation

Even if it doesn’t seem like a big factor in keeping you from switching jobs, the reality is that if you put your current job behind you, it will be that much easier to concentrate on finding something new, and you’ll probably feel a whole heck of a lot better doing it with only ghosts remaining from the job you hate. The trivial loyalty that sticks to you will disappear, and you’ll be free to pursue career happiness.

To help make your resignation seamless, do it with only a positive outlook. Tell your boss the benefits you had working for the company, and then explain how its now time you moved on. Offer any help you can provide during the transition, including the training of your replacement. And to remove any guilt you might have quitting, give plenty of notice about your decision, and then put in a quality final two weeks or however long your remaining work period is.

Get Connected

Most job openings aren’t advertised, so the more contacts you make with job fields you’re interested in, the less pressure you’ll have in your new job search. If quitting your job means a temporary state of unemployment, then you’ll be able to take comfort in knowing you have numerous people who can lead you to your next job. Two main types of contacts to concentrate on are those who can help you get a specific job, and those who can teach you more about a field you are interested in entering. 

Each contact can potentially provide you with information, skills, support, and/or job leads. The world outside your current job will be a lot less lonely if you take advantage of the wide array of contacts that are out there.

Editorial Team at Geekinterview is a team of HR and Career Advice members led by Chandra Vennapoosa.

Editorial Team – who has written posts on Online Learning.