Building Strong Career Traits

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When asked if there is anything bad that you would like to change in your personality, you secretly answer “a lot” and tell the hiring manager that you cannot think of anything that would jeopardize your career.

There are a lot of traits that employees would like to change in their personality and they are often rooted on being free spirited during their college years.

Unfortunately, colleges have a way of telling you that you just have to be yourself and the world will adjust to you. But the world will not and never will – you have to work your way to the top by behaving professionally and adjusting to the world.

Those people you see with eccentricities have become successful only by being smart employees and only displayed their eccentricities when they are already on top.

Being a Team Player

One of the worst mistakes anyone would have at any point of their career is to become isolated from other team members. Even the most powerful leaders in the business world have to be a team player or else they would never function at all.

The leaders are only powerful because they have the right person to back them up and they use what they know to succeed in their chosen career. You have to be a team player even though you are on your own when it comes to productivity.

Personal Interests during Business Hours

Checking your personal email once in a while is never fine and calling your friends and families during business hours is always a no-no. It could be regarded as stealing since you are using the company’s resources for other things.

When you are at work, dedicate yourself at work and if there is nothing to do, try to help others or think of ways of being productive. Remember that your boss could and will monitor your actions online to make sure you are doing something productive.

Meeting Deadlines

Your boss might not be a punctual person but that does not give you an excuse not to turn in your assignments in any given task. When you promise a deadline; stick to it because your professionalism lies on your ability to pass the assignments on time.

Most business leaders are known for their impeccable time management skills that they would go to great lengths just to meet the promised deadlines. It shows discipline and accountability on your part.

You could jeopardize the company productivity if you are unable to submit or finish your task on time. If you think you will miss your deadline, inform the person in charge before hand and accept all the blame while thinking of ways for restitution.

Think before Acting

Always think before you do something in a business setting. There are no “feelings” in business transactions and everything is done in the most rational manner. Being impulsive could disregard a lot of things including company policies.

That also goes for the things you have to say. Telling jokes is good but you have to be careful what type of jokes you are saying. They could be totally inappropriate which would ruin your image as a professional.

Editorial Team at Geekinterview is a team of HR and Career Advice members led by Chandra Vennapoosa.

Editorial Team – who has written posts on Online Learning.