Career Perceptions

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The news of unemployment can easily get everyone scared. While the latest news indicates increased job hire for the past months, the unemployment rate is still within the 9% range. Some experts are even skeptic about the burst in job hiring since it might only be temporary and the US unemployment rate will reach 10% before the end of the year.

But unemployment is not necessarily based on the fact that there are no jobs out there. Some industries are actually looking for employees that will help the secure their future especially during times of recession.

This idea has actually made others rethink of their current job. Instead of waiting for the day that they will be terminated at work because of recession, they just avoid the inconvenience and transfer to industries that are currently looking for employees. Some are also opting to transfer to other industries simply because they are no longer satisfied.

A Risky Step

If you’re considering transferring to other industries, better stop and think twice about the decision. The idea of working for a stable company and industry even during recession is very appealing since it will promise financial stability and even career improvement during the economic crisis.

Transferring to another industry abruptly is considered as a risky step even if the world is not experiencing recession. A job in another industry is usually difficult to find since these industries are looking for candidates with a different educational background. The main reason why you are currently working for another industry is that your education is geared towards a specific industry.

Of course, there is still a need for additional skills that come from various industries. For example, tech companies are still looking for accountants who can help them in their salaries and taxes. But the number of vacancies for support jobs in these industries is often limited. That means your chance of employment is still small.

Changing Perceptions

Forcing yourself to another industry can be dangerous and might cost you your current job. Instead of forcing yourself to another job, what you need to change is your perception of your situation. There are two possible reasons why you want to transfer to another industry: financial security and better opportunity.

Dealing with financial security does not necessarily mean you have to go after limited vacancies in other industries. Think of other business opportunities that you can start while you are trying to improve your career. You can use your current skills to offer various services in your area. The options are actually unlimited. You just have to be a little bit creative in looking for the business opportunity that will allow you to earn.

If you’re thinking of transferring to another industry because you are seeking a new challenge, create instead a challenge in your workplace. Being bored at work simply means you can easily do your daily task without any problem. Be aggressive in your current position so that you’ll face new challenges that can boost your career.

Editorial Team at Geekinterview is a team of HR and Career Advice members led by Chandra Vennapoosa.

Editorial Team – who has written posts on Online Learning.