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A successful career starts with the right education. It is not just the right college but the right degree. You might be a graduate in one of the most prestigious universities in the country but if you have a degree that will not assure you of a successful career, your efforts will be for nothing.
Before you enter college, you have to be smart on what degree that you have to take. Although you might have a specific passion, you still have to check the reality that sometimes a passion will not assure you of success.
Law of Supply and Demand
When you are selecting a degree, the basic rule of economics should be considered. Always think of the law of supply and demand before you start selecting your career. Your success in a career will depend on the demand of work based on that degree.
If you have a degree that is highly demanded, you will be assured of a bright future. You will be offered with a job right after you graduate. There are even those that are so brilliant in their course that they already have job offers even before their graduate.
What the Future Holds
One of the biggest mistakes in selecting a degree of those who enter college is that they base their selection on the supply and demand today. But a demand for today will never assure you of a career for tomorrow. You are degree might provide a bright future if you are employed today. But you still have four, five or even more than that before you are actually employed. By that time, the demand for that particular degree may not be there anymore.
That is why it is very important to think of the future. Do a little bit of research on what the future holds on the industry you intend to work for. Don’t just base on your selection on the demand for today.
Passion versus Reality
Another mistake in degree selection is to insist on passion versus reality. There are degrees that are chosen purely by passion. Although it is great that you are pursuing your passion through your degree selection, you still need to have reality check so that you should be able to have a smart and educated decision.
Pursuing your passion should give you the chance of personal happiness but you have to remember that you still need to earn in pursuing your happiness. Count yourself lucky if you passion is also in demand not only for today but also in the future.
Seeking Help
You may already have a degree in mind so that you’ll assure yourself of success after graduation, but you still need some help. Everyone needs a second opinion so that they should be able to select the right degree.
School counselors not only in high school but also in college should be able to help you select a degree or look for alternatives if you do not end up with the right degree. These consultations will not hurt and it will only yield a better degree for a better career right after college.