Extending the Professional Career of Retirees

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Whether or not there is a looming economic crisis, more and more retiring professionals have opted to continue working. It’s a growing trend in almost any industry as those who are near retirement age doesn’t even have plans on what to do when they retire.

The group of retirees who are dreaming of buying a house near the ocean and just sit back and relax or those who opted to travel for a very long vacation is getting smaller. The idea of idly sitting in a chair everyday is not just a cup of tea for most retirees.

Because of the surge of retirees opting to continue their career or at least keep working, a new trend has developed for companies who deal with retirees. Jobs are now created for the retirees which means the option for staying of the retirees is not actually threatening to the younger ones who are still trying to establish a career or move up in a career ladder. Those who are retiring still follow the rules of retirement but after they retire, they immediately look for another job or pursue a dream they had when they were young.

Reasons for Staying

There are three reasons why the retirees have opted to stay longer in the workforce:

1. Increase of Life Expectancy – Decades ago, life expectancy in US is only at 68. That means employees will only have eight years to enjoy life after they have returned. Their physical well being at 60 is also considerably frailer as they are near their expected lifespan. On the other hand, today’s life expectancy has given those that are retiring more time to have fun and experience the world. If the life expectancy is followed (it’s 78 in 2005), the retirees still have more than 10 years to enjoy life.

2. Increasing Opportunities – A we have already indicated, opportunities abound for those who are retiring. These post-retirement careers often require great familiarity and experience in the industry that only lifetime expertise could suffice that need. Today’s retiring generation are the baby boomers that have gone through different changes in the industry and have seen the technological revolution which has changed every facet of life.

3. Technology – Getting old doesn’t mean being left out in technology. In fact, technology has aided them in looking for another job or starting a new career based on their hobbies.

Popular Job Trends for Retirees

The following are the jobs that are often offered to retirees or would require retirees to be qualified for the position.

1. Consultant – This is often a win-win situation for the retiring employee and the company. Since the retiree doesn’t want to retire immediately and the company needs someone who is honest and knowledgeable enough in advising what should be done based on expertise, the company rehires the retired employee as a consultant. The pay is usually less but consultants are commonly required to work only in a part-time basis.

2. Educators – Experience is the best teacher and decades of experience have given those familiar with the industry a chance to share what they know. Trainers are also a popular position but educators often demands the retirees because of the knowledge they have and hiring them as part time employees will not solicit any negative reaction.

3. Jobs as Hobbies – If you ask any retiree what they want to do when they retire, their response is often to pursue their hobby that they have stopped doing for the sake of their career. With enough savings that will last for the rest of their lives, they can pursue what they love even with no financial return.

Editorial Team at Geekinterview is a team of HR and Career Advice members led by Chandra Vennapoosa.

Editorial Team – who has written posts on Online Learning.