Focus on SME

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SME or Small to Medium Enterprise is a form of businesses that have low start-up capital with very critical cash flow. Their expenses and earnings can be usually measured by thousands of dollars instead of millions. They often have few employees and their focus is local services, local products or selling niche products online.

These businesses are the ones that are highly affected by recession. They do not have millions of reserve funds that will help them float even when they are losing. For that reason, they have to work hard to deal with the challenges of recession or else they will close, permanently.

Opportunity for Fresh Graduates

SMEs may have a hard time dealing with the current economy but SMEs are the perfect place where fresh graduates could prove their worth. It’s a rare opportunity wherein they could help the business survive even with the economy.

Getting a job in SME is also relatively easy for fresh graduates. Remember that SMEs are usually controlled directly by the owner who can make decisions without consultation. If you can talk to the business owner about your skills and abilities, the owner might not even need paper works just to prove your ability to work for the company.

Your Chance to Shine

The best thing about SMEs is that everything is on the palm of your hands. Although you might end up in one of the many departments, you can easily influence other departments. Since there are only a small number of employees in the company, you can easily talk to them so that they can make some changes in their end.

As long as you show your leadership skills, you can easily become someone who can say something on almost everything. Through your leadership, you can help the company survive and even prosper.

Risk Involved

Of course, everything will not work according to your plan. You might even end up bringing the company down because of your decisions. You could be terminated because of your actions since SMEs are very fragile and one bad decision could bring the company down.

You just have to be careful on your decisions to avoid serious consequences. As much as possible, consult the owner and your colleagues about your decision. You are a fresh graduate and your ideas might not really be based about reality. Through their help, you can land in a more sensible decision.

All About Experience

In the end, everything should be about experience. SME might be your proving ground so that bigger companies will notice your expertise. Your experience with SMEs might even lead you to establish your company which could become one of the biggest in the country.

Because of recession, finding a job that leads to a career could be challenging. Use this time to search for jobs on SMEs where you can learn more about the industry you want to work for. The experience you learn from small business very helpful as it could help you understand the industry better.

Editorial Team at Geekinterview is a team of HR and Career Advice members led by Chandra Vennapoosa.

Editorial Team – who has written posts on Online Learning.