How to Handle Your Career Wisely

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Everyone is looking for their place under the sun; you are always looking out for the right career that suits your personality. Oftentimes, a career is just waiting to be discovered and the opportunity should be grabbed or else career growth is not achieved.

It’s always advisable to transfer to your preferred career as your happiness and contentment is preferred rather than financial consideration. After all, the other career will still be a source of income that after a month or two, you can go back to your lifestyle as you start receiving your salary.

But what if you’ve been transferring from one career to another like you’re changing clothes? You can still say you earn enough but you’ll always be an entry level employee with lesser chances of advancement. Sure you are aiming for your happiness but you can’t just stay forever in an entry level position as your need grows.

You may have the career “itch”. Once you’ve settled yourself in a career, you always find something is wrong; something is “itchy” so you start looking around for another career.

The Quest for Perfection

One of the most prominent reasons why you have that “itch” is that you’re always looking for perfection. The sad news is; there is no perfect career. You’ve always been thinking that there will always be a career that will suit your personality, preferences and whims. But that is not always the case.

A career will always require something from you that you will not like it. A career is not your caregiver waiting for your every whim but a career is something you should take care of. You have to sacrifice even just a little bit to be successful in this career.

Do not look for the perfect career. Rather look for a career that will help you grow to become a great professional. Your preferred career right now would actually do as long as you concentrate your efforts and contribute for your advancement.

Long Term Goal

Being short sighted in your career will never help you. You are always focusing on what is now rather than looking at yourself five to ten years after in your chosen career. Any entry level job in a career is never the goal so don’t dwell and complain on what you’ll get as an entry level job and stay there.

Work hard on your entry level job with a vision on the future. Your goal is not just to earn but to advance so that you’ll earn more and have the satisfaction you’re always looking for.

The Business Alternative

If all else fails, maybe you’re not cut out to be an employee. You wanted to be your own boss and set out your own career path in an open road. Think of your skills, education and personality to know which business you should be dwelling in. You skills could be very profitable and could grow into exponential level if you just know how to harness those skills and earn.

Editorial Team at Geekinterview is a team of HR and Career Advice members led by Chandra Vennapoosa.

Editorial Team – who has written posts on Online Learning.