Need For Career Fulfillment at Midlife

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When people work at a job for 20 or so years, it’s easy to dismiss job unhappiness out of the simple fact that they’re so used to the humaneness of it all. Further, they have other things to deal with, such as keeping a healthy marriage, staying in shape, and paying the bills. It is important, however, to step outside of their usual mindset and ask themselves, "What would my perfect work day consist of?"  

Once they do this, they’ll discover the importance of a fulfilling job and how its integrated to leading a more fulfilling life. They’ll realize that they’ve been following someone else’s dream, or that they’ve achieved their career goals and that it’s time for a new vision.

If you’re going through a mid life crisis, it may be necessary for you to assess a new career. Starting a new career can give you a new take on life, and it can also allow you to experience things that would be impossible to experience with your current career. In this article, I want to go over a number of strategies you can use to get career fulfillment.

If you’re making a nice income, but you’ve become bored with the work you do, it may be necessary for you to consider another field. In addition to this, if you want to get career fulfillment without having to change careers, there are some additional things you can do to improve the quality of your life.


Britain recently released a study that is very telling how important it is to choose a career that you enjoy. Half of Brits stated that, by the time they turn 45, they want a new career that is more fulfilling to them and involves more compassion. Two in three people said they were "unfulfilled", "miserable", or "drifting" at their current job.

More than half of those surveyed said they’d happily take a pay-cut in exchange for career fulfillment. This new career trend, in general, is called "Zenployment". Several of the careers listed on the "Top 10" Zenployment list are animal care worker, counselor, and yoga instructor.

Steps to a more fulfilling career

There are a handful of steps someone can take when following their career heart at midlife. One would be to look for activities in their ideal life that can make them money (without concerning themselves with how much). Another would be to write a small biography of one’s self living the life they wished they were living five years in the future. Then, write a short biography of their current life and examine the gap between the two. During mid life, many people realize that money isn’t everything. Even though they may have jobs that pay them a cushy salary, some people notice that there is something that is still missing. Dealing with this gap is an important part of career assessment.

Work on closing that gap. Another big step is to forget about any need to receive approval or permission from others to pursue career fulfillment, even if it’s your spouse or boss. To help in the transition, career aptitude tests are available to pave the way towards learning what career would, indeed, give someone these kind of rewards. The small amount of money involved in investing in a career aptitude test goes a long way when one considers the return: finding an actual fulfilling career.

Psychological Myths

Those in midlife looking for that fulfilling career need to wipe several things out of their mind. One, they are not too old to switch careers. One study shows that the average age of someone looking for a major career switch is 45, with the mean at 48. Another dangerous thought is to think that someone will magically come along to provide this career change the bad news is that’s not true, but the good news is that we control our own destiny, and that all it takes is us to take action for ourselves. 

From there, these people need to stop waiting for the perfect time and realize there isn’t one; the average career change takes one to three years. So, they should start taking actions as soon as possible, which should include asking questions, seeking advice, networking, and experimentation.

Editorial Team at Geekinterview is a team of HR and Career Advice members led by Chandra Vennapoosa.

Editorial Team – who has written posts on Online Learning.