Preparing for the Unexpected

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We often see in the newspapers that more and more companies are rethinking of their position in their industry. What happens then is company reconstruction and massive lay-off is expected. You may not know it but your company maybe the next company to think of “reconstruction” and you end up being unemployed before you know it.

Because of the economic conditions today where a company could be very profitable in one day and go bankrupt the next, preparation for this situation should always be in your mind. This technique could even be used when you’re planning to transfer to another company for better opportunities.

Contacts and Networking

Looking out for opportunities as well as keeping informed of the available jobs is all about keeping contacts and increasing your network. While at work, establish friendship and create network so that you’ll have people who will support you when you’re looking for a job. Social networking sites is also very useful since you don’t just connect to a single friend, you’re practically connected to anyone as everyone is connected to everyone online. Better yet, there are also professional social networking sites so that you can connect yourself to the professionals in your industry.

By keeping contacts, you should be able to get in touch with important people who could help you land a job or better yet, hire you. Although you are nothing more than a familiar face to some people in your network, it will still give you an edge in getting hired because you are familiar compared to others who are unknown.

Updating your Resume

We often think that resumes should only be updated when we are looking for a job. But that’s actually a very bad idea since the achievements that made in your job could easily be forgotten if you don’t log them somewhere. The best resume is a resume that is updated and have detailed information about your achievements.

Although not every information or achievement that you have could be used as a skill for a company you are applying for, the information could be tucked away for future references. You can write the achievements that you have or use job search websites so that you can keep a profile of your achievements online.

When the Bad Day Arrives

When the unfortunate thing happens, do not panic. Since you’ve been preparing you are in good hands. Don’t just call anyone or send email to people in your contacts while sending them your very detailed resume. Stop and think first. Take your time in devising a plan on what company you want to work with next.

Using your contacts, you can get in touch with the right people and with preparation; you can create a well written resume and cover letter to each company so that you can get hired as soon as you want to.

As long as you’re prepared, you should never have to fear recession or any job loss. Always prepare your resume and network to a lot of people who will eventually help you look and land on a job one day.

Editorial Team at Geekinterview is a team of HR and Career Advice members led by Chandra Vennapoosa.

Editorial Team – who has written posts on Online Learning.