Workplace Face-to-Face Communication Benefits

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Face-to-face communication is an inevitable form of communication however advance be the development and growth of science. Man is a social animal and it is necessary for him to communicate with others around him. The earliest form of communication methods known to man forms the crux of this face-to-face communication.

Starting from morning to night, it is impossible for us to be without communicating with others around us, especially in our workplace. Be it in expression of your views or towards resolving conflicts, face-to-face communication has its share of benefits in facilitating the communication.

How many times have we seen a single ‘hello’ or a ‘thank you’ act as ice breakers in situations encountered in workplace. Though letters and emails and other kind of technical advancements have made communication processes simpler and easier, they still lack the personal touch that comes in with face-to-face communication. It is a must that we make use of all kinds of communication in the right way to ensure that we benefit the maximum from them.

Face to face communication is the direct communication that is experienced by the receiver and the sender in a direct way. This is the basic form of communication and is a type of oral communication. Many times face-to-face communication may also form a part of non-verbal communication where the sender and the receiver can exchange messages just through their body language or facial expressions. Such kind of communicational processes help in decreasing the communication gaps and breaks.

The process is highly efficient as it eliminates any available medium between the sender and the receiver. The receiver can gain more from such communication methods as they have the privilege of understanding the sender and his message more as compared to the other forms of communication. Find out how face-to-face communication can help you in communicating better in your workplace.

1. Resolution of misunderstandings

In a workplace where thousands of employees work, it is possible there might be small misunderstandings and conflicts that can arise and needs resolution. When you aim to resolve such conflicts, face-to-face communication is the best form of communication to resolve it as it helps in reducing the gaps of communication. Also when a person shows genuineness in his conversation and body language, it reflects better in face-to-face communication methods. Resolution of problems become simple when confidence builds in and the listener can feel the genuineness of the sender.

2. Builds Comfort level

When you find your colleague or team member perform an exceptional task or that you find he needs help, sending an email or a letter will not do the job satisfactorily. Under these circumstances, face-to-face communication when used will build high levels of comfort.

3. Helps improve loyalty

To build confidence among team members it is a must that the listener gets to feel the seriousness and sincerity expressed in the sender’s message. But not just words can convey that effectively. When body language and voice pitch is mixed to show the seriousness of the message, the listener get to understand the message the right way and such methods will increase the attention he provides thereby improving loyalty.

4. Effective communication

The main purpose of communication is to send across the message effectively. When you assign or delegate work in your workplace, it is important that you use the most effective method of communication so that you can avoid any kind of misinterpretations of the job. Talking and explaining directly to the team member about the job will improve the understanding levels and the efficiency.

5. Builds confidence levels

Whether you are providing direct appreciation or an apology, your body language when you communicate will do the job of building confidence on you. Once the level of trust increases, your ‘Sorry’ or ‘Good Job’ has a higher value than it had before. In short, this confidence level will add more importance to the apology or appreciation that you are trying to communicate.

The above listed are the few major benefits that you can receive from an effective face-to-face communication process. Taking into consideration all the above, we can say that face-to-face communication is one of the most important and beneficial communication methods that can be practiced in your workplace.

Editorial Team at Geekinterview is a team of HR and Career Advice members led by Chandra Vennapoosa.

Editorial Team – who has written posts on Online Learning.