Benefiting from On-Campus Interviews

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Although it is a slowly dying trend, on-campus interviews of different companies still exist. Well known companies in the neighborhood or in the case of Ivy League schools, multi-million corporations visit the schools with the hopes of finding an enthusiastic candidate who will work with them right after graduation.

As a graduating student, this is your perfect opportunity of sealing a career early on or at least grab a great job right out of college. Not only brilliant students could enjoy the on-campus interview. With the right preparation, you are giving yourself a fair chance on getting hired.

Mixing Quality with Quantity

The good thing about on-campus interviews is that the setting is a little bit more familiar to you. Instead of a constricting office, the interview is right at your school where you have been studying for years.

That is why you should never have any problems with the quality of your interview. Rehearse a little bit especially on your “elevator pitch” so that you can have a good first impression.

It is also a matter of quantity on getting the job that you want. If you make yourself available to more than two companies, you are increasing your chances of getting hired.

Evaluate the Companies

On-campus interviews should never be your last frontier. After you graduate, there are other companies that you can work with. The companies that maybe conducting on-campus interviews may not be according to your preferences. When that happens, do not push yourself to the event. You will just frustrate yourself as you work for a company that you do not like.

Here is a good way to evaluate if you will like the company: think of yourself as an investor. If you want to invest to the company, then you go ahead and present yourself as an application.

Better Employer over Brand Name

The usual trend for on-campus interviews are for students to congregate on well known companies. But a good name should never be the basis on selecting the company. You need to look for a good employer that could provide you with benefits.

The well known companies may provide competitive benefits but there are also lesser known companies who could be better as an employer.

You might be working for a recognized company but it will not matter if your benefits are less compared to those who work with lesser known companies. In terms of career advancement, you will have to face a lot of competition in larger companies but it is a walk in the park for smaller companies.

Treat it as a Practice

There are additional benefits in participating on-campus interviews. If, for any reason, you were not accepted to any of the company you are interested in, think of it as training. You can always try again when you graduate.

This is also the perfect time to know different companies and what are they exactly looking for in a candidate. You still have time to work on your resume before you actually graduate.

Editorial Team at Geekinterview is a team of HR and Career Advice members led by Chandra Vennapoosa.

Editorial Team – who has written posts on Online Learning.