Salary Negotiation Tips

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A major part of the job search process that you go through is the negotiation for your salary. This negotiation could be the tone of your working life and relation with an employer when you join his firm.

There are listed below tips that you may consider when negotiating a salary. As a normal procedure, it is best for you to wait until after you receive a job offer, before you start talking about compensation. You can always aim for a win-win situation since negotiating is a two-way street. People approach a negotiating situation differently, so you may use from among the tips that follow the tips that work best for you.

Some suggested tips for you in negotiating a salary:

• You must know the salary you can reasonably accept and expect for the type of position you seek, considering your previous experience, your level of education, and the industry wage standards.

• You must have the above information on salary range well ahead of the interview. In fact it is better to have this ready before you start your job search. When you get an invitation for interview, contacting the interviewer’s secretary, the personnel office, or a networking contact that works in the company may be also helpful.

• It is not needed for you to accept an offered salary on the spot, delay it a little later. With your expressing your appreciation for the offer and strong interest in the job, request at least 24 hours to consider it, even when saying "Yes." This is the time also to ask any questions that you need to be clarified.

• Analyze the job and salary offer in terms of your needs, benefits, and long-term career and life goals. Consult about this job offer with someone you respect and who is knowledgeable in these matters. It will help you if you make a list of the pros and cons of the job offer.

• Check on the nature and the clarity of the job description on the job being offered. Clarify your reporting relationships, authority, and note your advancement potential. Ask as many questions as possible, until you feel that things are clearly understood. An employer will always respect you in the carefulness you show when asking these questions.

• If you want the job, make it clear to yourself that it is the job you want. If you have to take the time to think things over and when there are some items you would like to discuss before you can accept the job, request another meeting to talk about the offer.

• Begin the negotiation with the prospective employer with reasonable requests, which could include more money, Employee Benefits, tuition, training, more vacation time, a flexible schedule, stock options, company car, and even on-site daycare. You can always be frank that you have a baby so that you need this kind of service. The employer will likely understand you on this especially if she has the same problem as yours with a young child.

• Negotiations should never become emotional, just stay calm and use your value, skills, experience, and education to negotiate. It will be a big mistake to use your need for the job to negotiate.

• Careful listening on your part is suggested. If the offer is less than you expected, let them know about it, but state that you are still interested in the position if they want to reconsider their offer. The first offer may not be a fixed one, perhaps even the interviewer knows that you will likely negotiate for something different from what the company is offering.

These are some tips that you can study ahead before you report for the job interview. Review them well, and you can even have more tips if you make a wider research online.

Editorial Team at Geekinterview is a team of HR and Career Advice members led by Chandra Vennapoosa.

Editorial Team – who has written posts on Online Learning.