How to Build a Career During Recession

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A college degree could suggest a particular career but it can also be applied to many other careers. As a result, the fresh graduate is not forced on a single job. He has a variety of options on what field to work on. That is why many of the fresh graduates opts to transfer from one job to another – not just from one company to another but a totally new career that could suggest not only a difference in financial status but even in lifestyle.

But there are those that end up without any choices at all. Instead of actively seeking out employment, they just rest easy and wait for the opportunity. Because of recession, some thought that pushing yourself to find a job today is very difficult and frustrating.

They do have a point there. As fresh graduates, getting a good job today is very difficult because of the increasing number of unemployed. You are not only contending with a fresh graduate, you are also contending with terminated employees who could provide more experience and better education.

Although the possibility of having a good job today is difficult, not looking for a job with the said excuse is not recommended for a fresh graduate. If you do not do anything today, you will soon find out that you are already out of work for more than a year or two. Without any job for a year or two could really place a dent in your resume. It is very difficult to answer “you’re too lazy to find one” during those years when you are asked about it.

Starting Small

Because the challenge of finding a good job is there, you do not have to drag yourself into it if you are not prepared. But that does not mean you do not have to look for a job. You still need to make sure that you are working on the field you are interested in.

There are a lot of options – you can work online, have a temp job or go on a freelance work based on what you know. These are small things for you but they could be great addition to your resume. Plus, during the course of working on small things, you will slowly realize what you really wanted to do. Consider this as a stepping stone for something greater in the future.

Preparing the Future

If you already have a career in mind but you are unable to realize it right now because of recession, use this time to have small jobs relative to your preferred career. Again, slouching in your house without any effort in looking for a job is not a good way to start your quest for a better career.

Remember that only the good jobs are getting cut, there are still small businesses that could offer employment anytime. Luckily, some of them could be relevant to your preferred career in the future. Recession will end and when it does, you already have the experience to go for the career you always wanted.

Editorial Team at Geekinterview is a team of HR and Career Advice members led by Chandra Vennapoosa.

Editorial Team – who has written posts on Online Learning.