Announcement Letters

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Today’s job search trend has placed great emphasis on networking. Although experience and education still counts, its still important to establish contacts to improve job search. It is only through connections that hidden jobs are found and better opportunities are met. Sometimes, people would even have to spend considerable time, effort and finances just to improve their network.

As a fresh graduate, you are most likely using your connections to find a good job fast. Fresh graduates would often have a hard time looking for their preferred job since the best jobs in their chosen career and industry would usually require experience. That is why it is important to use the network as much as possible to find a good job.

But landing a good job doesn’t end the networking relationship. Networking would still stay important even though you already found a job. Unfortunately, no one knows if the company will improve or go bust in the next five to ten years. When you are terminated, you will still need to contact your networks to find a good job fast.

To ensure the continuation of your relationship with your contacts, you need to have an announcement letter. This letter is written when you have been hired for a particular position, whether or not you have been assisted by your networks.

Remember that your networks were looking out for a possible job for you and would never hesitate to alert you if there’s an available position that you might like. It’s just common courtesy that you should inform them that you already found a job that you like so that they would not be wasting their time looking out for a good job for you.

An announcement letter doesn’t really need to be formal. You can just send an email to your networks informing them about your present status. Be sure to thank them of your efforts and if you feel you are not really disclosing against your privacy, you can inform them of your new position and the company they are working for. Who knows, they might give you a tip or two on how to succeed in that company or the pitfalls that you should watch out for. Remember that your contacts are usually in the same industry and they might have worked for the company you are working for right now.

It is also important to show appreciation to the person you referred you that job. It’s not bribery since you are just showing your appreciation to the person you helped you land a job. It could be a box of chocolates, flowers or another letter to show your appreciation. As long as you send in something to show your appreciation you will be fine.

Remember to look back and thank the people who have helped you land a good job. Aside from common courtesy, it is a great way to maintain your contacts as you will still need their assistance one day. They may not be instrumental to your new job but they have exerted some effort to help you find one.

Editorial Team at Geekinterview is a team of HR and Career Advice members led by Chandra Vennapoosa.

Editorial Team – who has written posts on Online Learning.