Fresh graduates will usually look for work right after graduation. With all the student loan that needs to be paid as soon as possible, fresh graduates have to find a solution to their financial solu...
Knowing more about the company before or during your job application is a very important process that fresh graduates often ignore. Going with the flow or popularity of the company does not necessari...
Do not be surprised when at the first day of work, you realize that you are in a highly competitive environment. Everyone is aiming to become someone in the business and not everyone could get there....
You are hired for one reason – you were able to show the potential to be productive at work. If the company does not see anything good from you, they will never hesitate to deny your applicatio...
As a fresh graduate, your body is at its peak. You are just fresh out of college and you have been a little bit active in sports and other activities. As a result, your body is working well and you a...
Your resume, no matter how good they look and the depth of its content will never get enough attention if they are not “searchable.” Major companies today are using applications and onlin...
College could be one of the best years of your life. You have always something interesting to do, subjects that are according to your preferences and friends who will help you in learning n...
Being a Leader in Your First Job One of the best first jobs that anyone would have is to be a leader of a group. In your first day of job you answer only to the managers and the owner and you have yo...
Fresh graduates are often very vigorous in looking for their first job. They are often very enthusiastic in getting the right job that they might make mistakes while doing so. Instead of boosting the...
Essential Tasks on First Day of the Job Now that you are hired for the job, the real challenge begins. Instead of focusing on how to be hired, you should now focus on how can you survive the challeng...