Part Time Jobs that Outpaces Regular Jobs

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Part time jobs are ideal for those who wanted to have work while pursuing education or other things that will require much of their time for the day. With a part time job, bills could be paid without having to spend more than five hours a day at work. Part time jobs may not be permanent career, but these jobs could be instrumental for our career goals as we use what we earn to study. These jobs could also be used as a tool for gaining a better job because of the experience that you gained through these part time jobs.

If you’re thinking of getting one while staying in college or for other reasons, here are some part time jobs you should consider. These jobs could even beat regular jobs in terms of experience you would gain and even pay if you know when to work.

Pharmacy Technicians

A course in medicine may not be required to be hired in this job. A good sense of cleanliness and high organization skills are the only requirements to ace this job. Pharmacy technicians help pharmacies and other health care facilities arrange the medicines needed by the customers and patients. The average pay of pharmacy technicians is at $12.20 but it could be higher if you have a certification as a pharmacy technician.

Tax Preparer

If you have a knack in accounting and tax laws, then this job is exactly what you need. The average pay for this job is at a whopping $32.00 an hour. This job will require you to interview your customers and prepare their annual taxes. You don’t need to be a lawyer but a good background of the law such as paralegal training could get you a part time job as a tax preparer. This type of job are often obtained by paralegals who wants to move further be lawyers.

Dental Assistants

At this point you have probably noticed that great part time jobs are those who could assist professionals in their jobs. Dental assistant is one of those jobs. You won’t be in the front line in taking care of the patient’s teeth but you will help the dentist in their job so that the only thing they would think about is taking care of their patients’ teeth. The only requirement is familiarity with different dental equipments. Training could be obtained online and in local colleges. The rate on this job is usually $14.00 per hour.

Library Assistant

If you could stand to be in a place where silence is not only a requirement but a way of life, then you might be a library assistant material. For $10.00 an hour, you could be working with the librarian to ensure that the books are in great condition. You could also be that pesky librarian that calls the persons who have a book that should be returned instantly.

These are some of the jobs you could in your spare time or while studying in college. It could give you the experience you need to help you gain a better job in the future.

Editorial Team at Geekinterview is a team of HR and Career Advice members led by Chandra Vennapoosa.

Editorial Team – who has written posts on Online Learning.