Professional Resume Submission Tips

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In the job hunting process you must have spent so much time and effort in making your resume in the best way you know how, so you could have a good chance of getting hired every time you apply for a job. While it was never taught in school on how to secure your ideal job, you have devoted a great deal of your professional life to attempting to move up the career ladder in an effort to reach the highest rung. As a result, you have spent much time tinkering with your resume, trying to improve it over the years.

It is not enough however to have a winning resume, the manner in which your resume is submitted must be done professionally. Not doing the submission professionally could cause you to lose points with a hiring manager – and you might also lose out on the position of your dreams.

Launching a job search online will make you come across the word "professional" so many times, like – your cover letter must be professional; your attitude must be professional; your interview attire must be professional. Even the way you submit your resume must be done in a professional manner.

When applied to submission of resumes, professionalism means turning in a resume in the proper format, in the appropriate manner, and in a timely fashion. An employer will not have to track you down in order to ask you to re-submit your resume using his preferred guidelines, because you have done so professionally before hand.

Pay Close Attention

For you to submit your resume professionally, it is mandatory that you pay close attention to the original job posting or advertisement. Many applicants do not look closer into what the advertisement asks of the applicant and they could miss these details unnecessarily. Each job poster would have his own instructions on how you should respond to his ad, so clarify that at the outset.

Determine if the employer would prefer that the resume be e-mailed, snail-mailed, or faxed. If the employer offers two options, select the one that is more immediate in the sense that he will get your application on his table earlier.

Mailing could be better than emailing in this case since you send the hard copy of your resume and he gets this on his table fast enough. He may not bother checking his email and further bother about printing your job application. Send your resume by express mail so you could be ahead of the other applicants.

Cross-Check Your Resume

Even if you are pressed for time, recast your resume to fit the nature of the job advertised and avoid submitting that one-size-fits-all type of resume you have in your files. You are dealing with a particular employer, so give the necessary information he requests and do not overload him with that one-size-fits-all resume. Revise it and submit all information that he particularly specifies.

Electronic Submission

If an employer prefers that you submit a resume electronically, ensure that you do the emailing flawlessly so that you could make the best possible first impression. Ensure that your emailed resume can be easily read by the receiver – avoid using the so-called new programs that may cause the recipient to be unable to read it because he does not have the necessary upgrade in his computer.

Use the simplest programs that are in wide use in the business world. Do not assume that every company has the latest computer programs for their electronic communications system. As long as your resume is well crafted, even a simple text presentation will be enough to make an impression on the hiring manager.

Editorial Team at Geekinterview is a team of HR and Career Advice members led by Chandra Vennapoosa.

Editorial Team – who has written posts on Online Learning.