How to Avoid Procrastination at Work

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Companies always want their employees to do their best at work. When an employee works as expected, the company is assured of success for a very long time. That’s why companies are very selective in hiring individuals for sensitive positions. They want to hire the best and would use many tools to carefully choose the best.

But aside from a careful selection process, companies are usually very rewarding for those who do their best at work. Companies would offer financial rewards for excellent work on certain projects. Promotion and bonuses is also a common practice of companies to highly productive individuals.

Unfortunately, there are still individuals who opted to procrastinate. These individuals can’t seem to will themselves to work even though there are promotions and bonuses by merely doing your job well. Some opted to be mediocre in their work as they don’t take time to dedicate their efforts on a specific task.

This behavior in some employees is very costly for a business. If the employees do not work well, not only will the immediate goals of the company not realized but the long term improvement as well. When companies are never be able to reach their goals, they can close down for good which means mass termination.

Procrastination at work is not just a habit that destroys companies. It’s also a habit that can destroy personal development. By procrastinating, things that can be done with high quality are ignored. Avoiding to practice high quality output can never help the person improve.

There is also a long term effect for those who opted to procrastinate. Their reputation in their previous company will never go unnoticed. Through background checking, employees who practice procrastination will never be able to gain positive reviews from their previous clients.

If you feel you’re constantly procrastinating at work, be warned since there are serious long term consequences of this behavior. To avoid getting your life ruined with procrastination, here are some tips:

Write down objectives of the day – one of the many reasons why a person can’t do a single task in a day is because of the avalanche of assignments. Deal with this problem by writing down the tasks that needs to be done that day.

Take it slow – you don’t need to become instantly highly productive at work. Take it slow so that you’ll grow accustomed to the idea of quality which should be constantly practiced.

Reward yourself – every time you complete a task, give yourself a small reward. You don’t have to tell everyone that you’ve done something productive. A small reward that can give you the encouragement to do more should be more than enough.

Commitment to small steps – being overwhelmed with a large task can be very discouraging. Deal with this problem by breaking down the big goal into small and reachable goals. You should be able to realize the actions needed to reach a small goal that can help you achieve the bigger objective.

Editorial Team at Geekinterview is a team of HR and Career Advice members led by Chandra Vennapoosa.

Editorial Team – who has written posts on Online Learning.