Japanese Productivity Improvement Technique

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One of the most productive countries in the world is Japan. The country is limited in land mass but they have efficiently built houses and buildings even though there is a constant threat of earthquakes. Their economy is also very strong and their rise to economic power is very astounding.

Their productivity at work should be emulated by everyone. As a businessman or office manager, here are some ideas you can try to adapt in your office to improve productivity at work.

1. Taking it slow – one of the best traits of the Japanese is their Zen-like attitude for the various tasks. Surprisingly, they are able to do certain tasks faster than those who rush things.

By taking things slow, they are able to ensure quality as they have considered every step every factor that may prohibit their success. Rushing things will only diminish the chances of success since other factors are not considered. Some small factors are often ignored when a task is rushed and they can cost your business.

2. Work with groups – another idea that many Japanese companies implement in their business for success is to divide the company into groups. This can easily create interdependence as each member will have an active part of the task even though they are not singled out for the project.

An individual task is considered a bad business move since it gives too much stress to the individual which can easily distract him or her and prevent full productivity. When a person works with a group, the task will be easier because there will be inputs from other group member in order to complete the project as expected.

3. Focus on employee’s development – Japanese companies are known to hire young employees that they will groom and continue to hire until they retire. It’s not uncommon to see individuals retiring after decades at work in a single company. This might be impossible for you but what you need to know is that this practice is done because they want to improve the person first before the company. By focusing on improving the person’s talent, he develops skills that will eventually help the company move to better position.

4. Empowering the individual – probably the best lesson any company should learn from the Japanese practice of doing business is that they trust their employees enough to do the best for their business. Meddling on how the objective is reached is not exactly the idea of many Japanese companies. The individual is free to do whatever he or she has to do to reach the goal since it’s their reputation is on the line.

When a person feels empowered, he or she develops self esteem which could really help in getting things done as expected. If you combine self esteem with slow process and a group support, productivity can be easily achieved. It may take time and extra resources for these processes but if you want quality work, this sacrifice is worth it.

Editorial Team at Geekinterview is a team of HR and Career Advice members led by Chandra Vennapoosa.

Editorial Team – who has written posts on Online Learning.