Quitting Job Without a Back-up Plan

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A job is always sought for different purposes and among them is financial security. If you do not start a business, you need to have a job to support your basic necessities. A job could even provide additional perks that will make your life a little bit better compared to earning nothing at all.

Some would also find a job to feel fulfilled as they could provide assistance or help the community better through their job.  Ultimately, having a job means finding happiness. You work to pay your bills and buy food so that you will be contented and happy.

You enjoy the perks that come with the job which also makes you happy. Job fulfillment and happiness should always be your aim. Work becomes easier if you have fun at work and success in your career becomes a possibility.

Job fulfillment and happiness should always be part of your career goal. Earning is relatively easy if you have the right education and experience. But there are those that sacrifice happiness just to earn. They wanted to have as much money as soon as possible with the hopes that money will make them happy.

Other Side of the Story

There are those on the other hand, who wakes up one day with the feeling that they cannot just go to work anymore. They feel really bad at work that sitting down in their desk for one day more will get them really sick or really stressed out.

If you are experiencing this type of feeling right now, it is no use to go back to work. You are right now under great stress. Stress is never a good thing and should be prevented and avoided at all costs.

Stress will prevent you from thinking clearly and will hamper your productivity. There are those that could handle stress but still, there is a threshold for everyone. Everyone has a breaking point and continuous stress could get the best out of you. If one day, you cannot just take it anymore, it is better to walk away.

But you cannot just run away from the job. Stress is not a good reason for abrupt resignation. When you have decided to leave the company sooner than expected, get in touch with the human resource department as soon as possible. If there is any person you need to talk about stress, it is this department. Your immediate supervisor could also help you when you are under stress.

Before the Damage is Done

One thing you should consider for resigning immediately is your health. For now, you do not have a back-up plan or considering any company you want to work with but you are only saving your body from constant stress and possibly, even your sanity.

When you feel you are under great stress, double check your goal in the company. You are placing everything on the line and the financial reward may not be worth it. Do not wait for stress to get the best out of you. Slowly work on your stress and gracefully resign if you cannot handle the pressure anymore.

Editorial Team at Geekinterview is a team of HR and Career Advice members led by Chandra Vennapoosa.

Editorial Team – who has written posts on Online Learning.