Time Management Tips

Time management is a very important skill for professionals. With time management, they will be able to deal with a certain task with ease and avoid crushing pressures. This skill will also lead to increased productivity which could lead to a better career.

But becoming a person with efficient time management skills is a lot easier said than done. You can set a schedule which seems to get things done on time. But one small problem will lead to another and before you know it, nothing has been done.

Consistency in Thinking Small

Time management could be very difficult if you are tackling a very large task. But they can be easily addressed if you create small stages so that each factor that could contribute to the success of the task will be done on time. Thinking small will also provide you with a check point on how much you have completed so far.

But trouble in time management can easily start in large tasks. Because there is a bigger target composed of small tasks, managers would often think ahead and focus on the end result rather than focusing on the task at hand. When the bigger picture overrides the smaller tasks, virtually nothing will be accomplished.

Consistency is always the key to proper time management. Since the plan is already laid out, it is important to follow them to the last letter to ensure that the bigger task will be completed.

“It’s Already There so Finish It”

One of the common mistakes for employees and managers is to stop midway through the task. The reason why this would happen varies but among them is when they perceive the end result will not be according to original plan.

Although this might sound a good reason, it’s a defeatist way of thinking. Giving up before ending the task will not only curtail productivity but will actually start a very bad habit. Eventually, every task assigned will no longer be ended appropriately since there is a perceived trouble in the end – even though they might not happen.

But time management is not just controlling series of tasks until the goal. It is a commitment that should be followed to the end. Of course there could be troubles in the end but as an employee, what is important is that you have done something instead of stopping without doing anything.

Distinguishing Work Time to Free Time

Another challenge to time management is when work and play overlap each other. Sure, there could be fun while working but playing at work will never help in finishing the assigned tasks. Playing can only distract and could lead to troubling on refocusing on the said tasks.

Always distinguish the time that you should be working and you should be playing. By setting a free time, you’ll have a time where you can relax and get the pressure off so that you can go back fully recharged to face another task or to continue and finish the assigned work.

Editorial Team at Geekinterview is a team of HR and Career Advice members led by Chandra Vennapoosa.

Editorial Team – who has written posts on Online Learning.

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