Spatial Data

Spatial data is about information that has several dimensions. It is sometimes referred to as aspatial data. It includes both geospatial data and structo-spatial data. It is all about information whe...

Integrated Operational Data

Integrated Operational Data also known as operational data stores is a volatile collection of data that support an organization’s daily business activities. Integrated Operational Data are the ...

Redundant Data

Redundant Data as the name suggests is data duplication.  It means, same data of a single organization is stored at multiple data sites. Dealing with redundantly data means that a company has to...

Integrated Historical Data

An integrated data resource is composed of many different data sources that have been applied with several tools to overcome disparities. For instance, without the aide of integration tools, a busine...


Foredata is a very new term that stands for "Developed From Fore" meaning beforehand, up front, at or near the front.  In fact not many are aware of the existence of such word but the ...

Legacy Data

Legacy data comes from virtually everywhere within the information system and support legacy systems. The many sources of legacy data include databases, often relational but hierarchical, network, ob...

Demographic Data

Demographic data are data output of demography which is the study dealing with the human population. Demographic data can be related to the Earth, the same as geographic data. Demographic Data usuall...

Data Type

Data Type describes how data should be represented, interpreted and how the values should be structured or how objects are stored in the memory of the computer.   It refers to the...

What is Data Source

Data Source, as the name implies provides data via data site.  Data site in turn stores an organization’s database, data files including non-automated data.  Companies implement ...

What is Atomic Data

Atomic data are data elements that represent the lowest level of detail. For example, in a daily sales report, the individual items sold would be atomic data, while rollups such as invoice and summar...