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End User Data can either be data provided by a data warehouse or the data created by end users for query processing.
The technical world of computing and computers has always been divided into two general reams. On the one realm are the high priests, the knowledgeable group of people who how the ins and outs of computers its most complex details. These people shape the computer codes and programs and enable computer behaviors which are rich and valuable.
On the other real are the novice users who are at the mercy of the high priests of computing, who can be denied or granted access to knowledge, information or education from computers.
End user data, in its very essence, different from entered or supplied by the other realm of the novice. But this is not the case all the time because the high priests can be suppliers of end user data too. So, the very essence of end user data is the data supplied into any processes written or developed by the programmers (the high priests) in order to produce the desired output.
Although not exclusively true in some cases, the end user data can also refer to those data generated for the end users which has been the result of querying a database for specific information. For example, if the a user wants to know the how many people there are in a specific company department, the data answer of the database from the certain query could be said as an end user data.
While end user data entry may be done in many different ways, there are many available graphical software tools for end user data entry. In the graphical interface, there are text boxes, radio buttons, combo boxes, list boxes, check box where end user data can be collected easily. The text box can accept any characters and string data into the system. The radio buttons can collect data pertaining to a selection but in most cases, the radio button can accept only one choice from among the many.
The checkbox is similar to the radio button in the sense that it allows multiple selections but it can accept more than one choice. The list box and combo gives the choices in terms of a list. These tiny components typically compose an end user data entry interface.
End user data can be said to be the lifeblood of an information system. They are the very data from which processes are done to come out with output information that will be used by the organization.
End user data may also refer to data not just from human end users but from various data sources as well. As common in an enterprise information system such as a data warehouse implementation, several physical computers are each running as servers and doing their own computation processes.
The output of computer data source may server as end data user input to another and so on. As the system of many data sources grow in complexity, end user data may come from several sources. One user data may be used into another process in another data source computer and then the process output may be thrown into the network to be used another computer as yet another end user data.
The mixed use and exchange of end user data is an indication of how complex and information system is. The more the data sources, the more complex data exchange become. The internet is composed of various servers each communicating not just with each other but with end users using browsers as well. One can never imagine the amount of end user data traversing the internet every single second of the day!