Database Interaction Efficient interaction, efficient storage, and efficient processing are the three key properties of a successful database platform. In this article, we explore the first: efficien...
SQL standardization Like any technology that strives to be interoperable among different implementations, SQL has been standardized. The first SQL standard was adopted and published by the American N...
The Structured Query Language (SQL) is the computer language in which a user or an application communicates with an SQL-capable database system. SQL database systems include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle...
When you are in a big electronics store buying the latest edition of the iPod, how does that store’s inventory tracking system know you just bought an iPod and not, for example, a car stereo or...
Have you ever wondered the name of a movie you watched years ago, and although it was on the tip of your tongue, the few words of that short title just wouldnG
A view is nothing but a window of an existing table by which one can view and can also change the values in tables. The main point aspect of view is views have no storage space. For this reason views...
The file management system also called as FMS in short is one in which all data is stored on a single large file. The main disadvantage in this system is searching a record or data takes a long time
COUNT is a group function returns result by summarizing multiple rows. All group by value function will have the usage of DISTINCT or ALL option and so is the COUNT which uses the DISTINCT option. DI...