Embedded Software Engineer

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The automotive industry has opened up many job opportunities for people from all walks of life. It is one of the fastest growing industries and has a big presence in the world market. With new and improved technologies, there is an increased need for IT and software experts in the industry. The IT influx and the need for experts is present in all the industries, however, the automobile industry experiences a tad more because it is wide spread.

There is also some niche IT jobs in the industry which are highly lucrative. Embedded engineer jobs in the automobile industry are paid at mid level, and the person in this job role will be contributing more to the software development team. He will develop solutions for the team to bring together various platforms. The job has many roles, and the candidate should be able to execute them all.   They should be able to understand the team, as well as their system needs and work appropriately.

There are career growth opportunities and one can eventually become a project manager which is a middle management position. If the person has an engineering background, they may have more career options within the organization or the industry.


An embedded software engineer can work in any department of the automobile company, and he should have an appropriate degree along with the embedded software knowledge to work. Typically, as per industry standards, a person is expected to have a degree in mechanical engineering, automobile engineering, or bachelor of sciences. This is the basic education required. To get better career prospects or bigger job roles, one should have a master’s degree in the same.

A Masters degree for an embedded software engineer with a little bit of experience may directly fetch a project manager role. On the computer and software front, candidates should have experience and good working knowledge of embedding software and programming software like C and C++, as well as Object oriented programming languages.

It is preferable if the students do their projects on C or C++ languages with OOP concepts, because this also counts as experience. In addition to this, the job profile can also be decided based on the project knowledge. To be able to program on an embedded software platform, one has to be very good with programming languages. The actual job in the automobile company can be much more challenging and difficult.

Education required

B-Tech / Bachelor of engineering in Automobile/mechanical  / Bachelor of computer sciences
Embedded software languages
C, C++, OOP


This job involves working with a team of software professionals and developing solutions for large operations. A lot of dedication and ability to work under pressure is expected from the candidate. The markets for automotive embedded systems are expanding day by day, and the person working in this role should be able to meet with the increasing demand. The person is also expected to capture the complete software information and deliver appropriately.

They should have an excellent understanding of the subject as well as logic to understand and deliver. Software designs can be extremely complex, and the person in this job role should have an inside out understanding of the design. They also have to ensure that the software designs will suit the platform and meet with its requirements. The embedded software engineer works from the start to the end of the software lifecycle, and should be present through all the phases of its development.

A person executing this job role should constantly test and validate the software that is being developed, and also check its suitability to the whole platform. Any mistake on this person’s part would waste a lot of time for the rest of the team, so extra diligence is expected from this person.

Expected Salary

Beginner: $3000-$3500
Mid Level: $3500-$4500
Expert: $5000-$5500

Editorial Team at Geekinterview is a team of HR and Career Advice members led by Chandra Vennapoosa.

Editorial Team – who has written posts on Online Learning.