How to determine different positions of substrings within a string in C? There are numerous functions available in C to achieve the purpose of finding different positions of a substring with a string
What is the string handling functions present in header file string.h? There are number of string handling functions present in string.h. In other words if a programmer uses any of the function prese...
How to convert a string into an integer in C program?
This is done by using the function named as atoi(). This function atoi() is present in the header file named as stdlib.h. When programmers use...
What string function is used to convert a string into long value? This is done by using the function named as atol() . This function atol() is present in the header file named as stdlib.h. So when p...
The arguments passed to function can be of two types 1. Values passed 2. Address passed The first type refers to call by value and the second type refers to call by reference.
The declaration of main can be done as int main() One more declaration that can be taken by main is command line arguments form int main(int argc, char *argv[])
The default return value from a function is int. In other words, unless explicitly specified the default return value by compiler would be integer value from function. When a programmer wants other ...