Searching for Job through Facebook

Facebook is currently the most popular social networking site in the world. The number of users are growing exponentially as everyone was swept by the new platform of connecting to the people you kno...

When the Employer Says

Getting hired is still very difficult even though the economy is slowly getting back on track. The idea of "getting back of track" is not the same as "stable" since there are stil...

Associate Degree Courses

The chances of employment are greatly affected by your education. A person with a degree relative to the vacant position is likely to be considered. The theories relevant to the vacant position have ...

Avoiding Small Mistakes during Job Search

Everyone makes mistakes in almost every endeavor they do. Even during the job search process, wherein it’s a golden rule not to make any mistake, applicants still end up committing mistakes. Th...

Pursuing Your Dream Career

A job or a business is always a necessity for adults. Everyone needs to have a source of income in order to support themselves or their family. Even though the government can provide you with financi...

Surviving Recession

The challenge of recession is nearly set to end. But that doesn’t mean that life will be a lot easier today. Finding a job during recession is relatively difficult. The unemployment rate is sti...

Independence in Corporate Setting

Working in a corporate environment is often the dream of many job seekers. In a corporate environment you are given the chance to work with like-minded colleagues that can help improve the business. ...

How to Improve Your Potential

Potential is something that you have to improve to help your personal and professional life. It could be a sign for a skill that could be slowly developed into an actual skill. Of course, as a potent...

Lucrative Industries for Fresh Graduates

Recession has undoubtedly affected millions of employees as they find themselves out of job because of the economic woes the world experiences. With nearly 10% in unemployment rate, many are panickin...