Your first job as a fresh graduate is often the most memorable. This will be the first time you would have to deal with an eccentric boss, daily office politics, budgeting your pay to support your li...
A resume is practically a list of the things that you have done before you apply for the particular type of job. It will also tell the screener who you are, your family background and what you could ...
Competition will always be part of work. Your productivity is not just done to keep your job but you are productive because you are aiming for something better. Unfortunately, the better things are n...
A few weeks ago, unemployment hit the record low of 26% drop. This has translated to millions of workers getting laid off their respective jobs. The affected industry is not even based on financial s...
Talk about your weaknesses and strengths During the job interview, it is very likely that the person interviewing you will begin asking you questions about your weaknesses or strengths. This is a sce...
A phone interview is only one of several interviews that you will have to go through before you can be hired with the company. What this means is that you have only got one opportunity to show the po...
During school and college life, you can be successful in all the things that you set out to do. However, once you get out of college and start looking for a job you will realise that not everyone can...
Tips for Acing Your Phone Interview When it comes to phone interviews, you must always remember that the words that come out of your mouth can never be put back in once they reach the ears of th...
Follow these tips to master the face to face job interview Mastering the job interview will require you to prepare yourself in advance. Not only must you do the right things during the job interview,...
When applying for a job, you will usually be required to have basic computer skills, dedication in what you do, and a college degree or relative experience. These skills are essential only for g...