Semi-Structured Data Model What is the Semi-Structured Data Model? The semi-structured data model is a data model where the information that would normal be connected to a schema is instead contained...
Quality Analyst Quality Analyst Job Overview The quality analyst (QA) is in charge of ensuring that the application is built according to the plan. The analyst is in charge of testing the application...
Database Management Experts Database Management Experts Job Overview The database management expert acts as the team leader for database administration. The necessary manpower, applications and data ...
Database Administrators Database Administrators Job Overview Database administration is a very challenging task. Data is very important for any business especially those that work online as part of t...
What is a Relational Model? The Relational Model is a clean and simple model that uses the concept of a relation using a table rather then a graph or shapes. The information is put into a grid like s...
The Network Model What is a Network Model? Oddly enough the Network model was designed to do what the Hierarchical model could not. Though both show how data is related the Network model allows for d...
The Multi-Dimensional Model What is a Multi-dimensional Model? Multi-dimensional model is an integral aspect of the On-line Analytical Processing which also known as OLAP.
Software Engineer Software Engineers Job overview Software and applications are an important part of the development of IT. One of the indications that IT is moving forward is through the application...
Hierarchical model What is a Hierarchical model? The term Hierarchical model is extremely and vastly broad. It often refers to a lot of set ups, set ups something like Multi-Level models where there ...