Professional Resume Writing Services

A good resume will be a ticket to a great career while a badly written one will diminish your chances of getting hired. Your resume needs to have a great impact since you have less than 10 seconds to...

What is Data Redistribution

Data Redistribution is the process of moving data replicates from one data site to another to meet business needs. It is a process that constantly balances data needs, data volumes, data usage, and t...

What is Data Propagation

Data Propagation is the distribution of data from one or more source data warehouses to one or more local access databases, according to propagation rules. Data warehouses need to manage big bulks o...

What is Data Quality

Data Quality indicates how well data in the data resource meet the business information demand. Data quality includes data integrity, data accuracy, and data completeness.

SQL Data Types

SQL Data Types Overview In SQL, as in many other programming languages, every piece of data has a particular type. For example, 11 is an integer, and GǣWall StreetGǥ is a text string. The SQL standar...

What is Data Pivot

Data Pivot is a process of rotating the view of data. In databases where there is high level volume of data, it is often very difficult to get a view of a particular data or report. A pivot table he...

What is Data Partitioning

Data Partitioning is the formal process of determining which data subjects, data occurrence groups, and data characteristics are needed at each data site. It is an orderly process for allocating data...

What is Data Normalization

Data Normalization is a process to develop the conceptual schema from the external schema. In its very essence, data normalization is the process of organizing data inside the database in order to r...

What is Data Optimization

Data Optimization is a process that prepares the logical schema from the data view schema. It is the counterpart of data de-optimization. Data optimization is an important aspect in database managem...

What is Data Naming Convention

Data Naming Convention refers to a convention established to resolve problems with Traditional data names. Many of these conventions are in use today, such as the Of Language