Operator, Operand and Expression in C

Operator, Operand, and Expression in ‘C’

Operators are symbols which take one or more operands or expressions and perform arithmetic or logical computations.

Types of operators available in C are as follows:

  • Arithmetic
  • Assignment
  • Logical/relational
  • Bitwise

These have operators under each as follows:

Arithmetic Operators

+ For performing Addition
– For performing Subtraction
/ For performing Division
* For performing Multiplication
% Modulo for finding remainder in division operation
— Decrement (post and pre)
++ Increment (post and pre)

Assignment Operators

*= Multiply
/= Divide
%= Modulus
+= Add
-= Subtract

Logical / Relational Operators

== Equal to
!= Not Equal to
> Greater than
< Less than
>= Greater than or equal to
<= Less than or equal to
&& Logical AND
|| Logical OR
! Logical NOT

Bitwise Operators

| Inclusive OR
^ Exclusive OR
<< Shift Left
>> Shift Right
~ One’s compliment

Operands are variables or expressions which are used in operators to evaluate the expression.

Combination of operands and operators form an Expression.

For instance a = b + c; denote an expression in which there are 3 operands a, b, c and two operator  + and =.

The association of expressions and keywords is called Statements.

For instance int a = b + c; denote a statement..

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