How to assign values during declaration of variables Declaring variables tells the compiler the data type the variable is assigned and no storage area is allocated during this stage. It is possible t...
What is sizeof operator? sizeof will return the number of bytes reserved for a variable or data type. The sizeof operator is a compile-time operator that returns an integer value. In other words sinc...
How typecasting plays an important role in C C allows programmers to perform typecasting by placing the type name in parentheses and placing this in front of the value.
What is Nonlocal Jump and Unconditional Jump? longjmp() and setjmp() functions implement a nonlocal jump of program execution. "longjmp" jumps to a program state previously recorded by "setjmp".
Operator, Operand, and Expression in C Operators are symbols which take one or more operands or expressions and perform arithmetic or logical computations.
How does the prefix and postfix operator on expression? The operators present in prefix and postfix are prefix increment operator denoted by ++ prefix decrement operator denoted by -- postfix increme...
What is the functionality and restrictions of Modulus Operator? When a division is performed, the remainder of the operation is given by modulus operator. The modulus operator is denoted in c by symb...
How to swap two variables without using third variable? A variable is a named location in memory that is used to store data which can be modified in a program. Let us learn how to swap two variables ...
What is precedence of operators? When number of operators occurs in an expression the operator which is to be evaluated first is judged by applying priority of operators. The arithmetic operators ava...